Sunday, 16 October 2011

Best Price Lalaloopsy Dolls Sir Battlescarred And Lady StillWaiting

Lalaloopsy Dolls Best Price

Best Price Lalaloopsy Sir Battlescarred And Lady Stillwaiting

Recently added to the collection are the cheapest price Lalaloopsy Doll Sir Battlescarred and Lalaloopsy Doll Lady StillWaiting, who are two of the most interesting dolls in this range of toys, as they have clothes made from a time when Knights were very chivalrous and went off to fight Dragons and Monsters, so that their Ladies and Castles were safe from danger.

The brave Lalaloopsy Doll Sir Battlescarred has clothes made from a Knights suit of Armor, and although it sometimes gets heavy for him to wear, he does look incredibly smart, and his beautiful Lalaloopsy Doll Lady Stillwaiting has her new clothes made from a pretty Maiden's Dress.

You can view this exciting pair of dolls dressed in clothes from back in the day when Knights were always going off to strange countries to do battle with their enemies, and also browse the massive selection of other Dolls in the Range.

Both of the Dolls have their own toy pet, a wonderful Dragon for Sir Battlescarred and a fantasy Unicorn for Lady Stillwaiting, and these 12 inch Lalaloopsy Dolls come with a certificate and a poster with pictures of them both, and on the reverse side there is a picture of the other Lalaloopsy Dolls that are available in the very large Range of Lalaloopsy Dolls.

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